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Hello and welcome to the Toy Explosion pageant site. You will be able to find out when pageants will be held and where, whose services will be available, and other information about this system all on this site.
Toy Explosion has a motto of "the pageant that is all about the contestant". We take pride in this motto, because we do cater to fun and want to see lots of personality and stage presence. This is a full glitz system, but you don't have to be a big name to compete and/or win this pageant.

I look forward to meeting you all and want you to get ready to have a blast. Love Mrs. Renee

• You may use custom music for Christmas wear and OOC, but it is not required.
• You may use props…Christmas wear is anything goes.
• The Buddy Award is where one contestant pairs with another contestant and if they have the highest scores in the pageant, they will receive Buddy Crowns and Buddy Gifts! There is no cost for this, just something extra I wanted to do.
• The Mrs. Division only compete against themselves and not anyone else in the pageant.
• You may wear Crowning Dresses (outfit), Beauty Dress or your Christmas wear for crowning. Everyone must stay for group pics to receive your score sheets please.
• It is a back T formation on stage. AGE IS DAY OF PAGEANT!
• There are vendors on the website and I am not sure if all are attending. I only advertise, who asks me to, as a courtesy to them and contestants. I do not have any affiliation with them and do not refer any of them to anyone. If you want a particular vendor to come, contact them. Most will come if they have enough booked.
• Hair Pieces, Flippers, Fake Eyelashes, and any other enhancers are allowed, however they are not required. You will not have points taken for having them or not having them. Just make sure they flatter the contestant!
• It is allowed for a chaperone to go on stage with the 0-3 contestants, but highly discourage any for 4-up. At age 4, contestants are expected to know how to work the stage by themselves.
• The stage will be available for practice on Friday night between 7-10.
• There are no line ups at this pageant. Therefore everyone is judged on their own ability and not comparison judged. The side awards are scored and the judges will do this after the contestant has completed their individual walk. They will go straight to the front X and the emcee will ask 1 to 2 random, fun questions. This is not scored, just giving the judges time to score the extras. The 0-3 who can’t speak will just be up there and the emcee will cut up with them for a minute.
• Only first names will be announced and the judges will not know who the contestants are nor who they coach with. Everyone has even playing ground at this pageant.
• There will be a photographer for stage shots there, so I ask that NO CAMERAS be brought into the ballroom. The stage shots will be available for purchase at the pageant. If you would like to know in advance of the cost of pics, contact
Now for registration and schedule:


Above is the schedule and no group will start before their scheduled time. This should give everyone plenty of time for outfit and hair changes. For OOC there will be no particular order of competition and no points deducted for time. Remember no line ups, so after you compete you can leave and change! Also whoever brings the most people to watch the contestants will win an additional award!

Renee Horvath

8453 Shake Rag
Millington, TN 38053


Email and PayPal addy:

Judges Criteria

Website owned by S&A PRODUCTIONS and reserved. No reproduction of any graphic or content of this site permitted without the express permission of Renee Horvath.
Brought to you by Renee Horvath  All Rights Reserved.